수리카타 사용자 가이드 (Suricata User Guide 번역)
2019. 8. 29. 18:42
수리카타 사용자 가이드
- 1. 수리카타 소개 (What is Suricata)
- 1.1. About the Open Information Security Foundation
- 2. 설치 (Installation)
- 2.1. Source
- 2.2. Binary packages
- 2.3. Advanced Installation
- 3. 명령줄 옵션 (Command Line Options)
- 3.1. Unit Tests
- 4. Suricata 탐지 규칙 (Suricata Ruleset)
- 4.1 탐지 규칙 양식 (Rules Format)
- 4.2. Meta Keywords
- 4.3. IP Keywords
- 4.4. TCP keywords
- 4.5. ICMP keywords
- 4.6. Payload Keywords
- 4.7. Transformations
- 4.8. Prefiltering Keywords
- 4.9. Flow Keywords
- 4.10. Bypass Keyword
- 4.11. HTTP Keywords
- 4.12. File Keywords
- 4.13. DNS Keywords
- 4.14. SSL/TLS Keywords
- 4.15. SSH Keywords
- 4.16. JA3 Keywords
- 4.17. Modbus Keyword
- 4.18. DNP3 Keywords
- 4.19. ENIP/CIP Keywords
- 4.20. FTP/FTP-DATA Keywords
- 4.21. Kerberos Keywords
- 4.22. Generic App Layer Keywords
- 4.23. Xbits Keyword
- 4.24. Thresholding Keywords
- 4.25. IP Reputation Keyword
- 4.26. Lua Scripting
- 4.27. Differences From Snort
- 5. 탐지 규칙 관리 (Rule Management)
- 5.1. Rule Management with Suricata-Update
- 5.2. Rule Management with Oinkmaster
- 5.3. Adding Your Own Rules
- 5.4. Rule Reloads
- 6. Alert에 대한 이해 (Making sense out of Alerts)
- 7. 성능 (Performance)
- 7.1. Runmodes
- 7.2. Packet Capture
- 7.3. Tuning Considerations
- 7.4. Hyperscan
- 7.5. High Performance Configuration
- 7.6. Statistics
- 7.7. Ignoring Traffic
- 7.8. Packet Profiling
- 7.9. Rule Profiling
- 7.10. Tcmalloc
- 8. 설정 (Configuration)
- 8.1. Suricata.yaml
- 8.2. Global-Thresholds
- 8.3. Snort.conf to Suricata.yaml
- 8.4. Multi Tenancy
- 8.5. Dropping Privileges After Startup
- 9. 평판 (Reputation)
- 9.1. IP Reputation
- 10. 초기화 스크립트 (Init Scripts)
- 11. Linux환경에서 IPS/inline 설정 (Setting up IPS/inline for Linux)
- 11.1. Iptables configuration
- 12. Windows환경에서 IPS/inline 설정 (Setting up IPS/inline for Windows)
- 13. 출력 (Output)
- 13.1. EVE
- 13.2. Lua Output
- 13.3. Syslog Alerting Compatibility
- 13.4. Custom http logging
- 13.5. Custom tls logging
- 13.6. Log Rotation
- 14. Lua 지원 (Lua support)
- 14.1. Lua usage in Suricata
- 14.2. Lua functions
- 15. 파일 추출 (File Extraction)
- 15.1. Architecture
- 15.2. Settings
- 15.3. Output
- 15.4. Rules
- 15.5. MD5
- 16. 공개 데이터들 (Public Data Sets)
- 17. 캡처 하드웨어 사용 (Using Capture Hardware)
- 17.1. Endace DAG
- 17.2. Napatech Suricata Installation Guide
- 17.3. Myricom
- 17.4. eBPF and XDP
- 18. Unix Socket을 통한 상호작용 (Interacting via Unix Socket)
- 18.1. Introduction
- 18.2. Commands in standard running mode
- 18.3. Commands on the cmd prompt
- 18.4. Pcap processing mode
- 18.5. Build your own client
- 19. 메뉴얼 페이지 (Man Pages)
- 19.1. Suricata
- 20. 감사의 글 (Acknowledgements)
- 21. 라이선스 (Licenses)
- 21.1. GNU General Public License
- 21.2. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License
- 21.3. Suricata Source Code
- 21.4. Suricata Documentation
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